Howard Stern knows me as HAM HANDS BILL. Listen to Howard talk about me and much more
HAMHANDSBILL from HOWARD STERN SHOW. Some pages listed below...
My Fans know that my CONTRIBUTIONS R just 4 FUN!!!
Howard Stern knows me as HAM HANDS BILL. Listen to Howard talk about me and much more
My Fans know that my CONTRIBUTIONS R just 4 FUN!!!
<<< My voice starts about 39 SECONDS in <<<You can Click photo to listen or click HERE TO LISTEN TO IT ON MY YOUTUBE channel. LISTEN TO Howard Stern saying "WOW" AROUND 48 SECONDS in. He really liked my announcing. On February 28 of this year 2018 Jennifer Lawrence was interviewed on The Howard Stern Show. It was great! Interview not online yet, but U can read about it here>>> ON ... >>>CLICK HERE to listen to a bit of Her interview<<<
<<<CLICK photo to listen or click here to listen to Howard Stern TALK ABOUT ME on my YOUTUBE channel. Very true! Reporter Jon Lieberman breaks the news to Howard Stern LIVE on his show about Hollywood producer Mark Hoadley GIving me a movie role as "LOCO" in an action film called "MARK OF THE COBRA." LOL, the comment about the strippers MIGHT BE A Lap Dance. Down below see the 2 actresses for the Action film.
In the middle JUDGE OF America's Got Talent/Model HEIDI KLUM...
Doctor Dru from Celebrity Rehab Reality TV show
Steven Tyler from Rock Band AEROSMITH
Johnny Knoxville from MOVIE "JACKASS"
She recognized me (Maria Menounos from "EXTRA")
Beth Ostroski (Model + Howard Stern's Wife)
Movie Reviewer Richard Roeper/Girlfriend
Heidi Klum (America's Got Talent Judge/Model)
I'm in the back on the right underneath THE BLUE ARROW...
Actor/Martial Artist CHUCK ZITO...
Chuck Zito (Actor & Martia Artist)
I'm in the back on the right underneath THE 2 BLUE ARROWS...
Comedian Sandra Bernhard
I'm in the back on the right underneath THE 2 BLUE ARROWS...
Comedian Sandra Bernhard
Singer Nataly Maines from The Dixie Chicks
I'm in the back on the right underneath THE BLUE ARROW...
I'm in the back on the right underneath THE BLUE ARROW...
Everything started when I entered A song parody CONTEST and won a Jetski AS FIRST PLACE on a SONG PARODY CONTEST on The Howard Stern Show. Thousands of contestants entered. I was invited as the contest winner to receive the JETSKI and hang out in the studio. At a later date Howard Stern invited me back and I did an explicit version of the song on his uncensored Satellite Radio Show... >>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING<<<
Here again I'm a finalist on another Song Parody contest. Keep in mind that since 2006 The Howard Stern Show started to broadcast on satellite radio UNCENSORED with EXPLICIT language freedom you only get on other paid services like: Movies, books, comedy shows, etc. SO, when thousands enter these contests WE are given GREEN LIGHT to do whatever and we often use explicit sexual content to get a reaction, laughs and trying to win. Not everybody likes or understand this time of humor. What I do for the show doesn't represent my personal life. Not everything on the show is crazy dirty humor. Howard Stern interviews many stars, does news, games, etc.
> CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO of The celebrities and look at me At 25-26 seconds into the video in my LIGHT BLUE Tuxedo< To the right is my friend Heather. At 46 SECONDS is JOHNNY KNOXVILLE from the "Jackass" Movies, which we both took a photo together. You can see other actors, comedians and rock stars like Steven Tyler (also with me in my VIP CELEBRITIES' Photos). I KNOW, me, me, me. LOL. Well. this website is mostly about me and stuff I choose to post!
<<<Click PLAY to see my interview!!! . Great action film directed by Art Camacho and produced by Tom Renner. Click this link to Watch another interview about "The Chemist" with PRODUCER Tom Renner ...
To visit Director/Actor/Kung-Fu Master Art Camacho's Facebook click here...
To visit Producer/Actor/Martial Artist Tom Renner's Fcebook click here...
<<<Action Martial Arts Film about a Drug Cartel against a Kung-Fu Master. Actor and real life KUNG-FU MSTER Mark Hoadley is the Star of the Film. I would be on the side of the BAD GUYS!!!
Here is Director Art Camacho, Sam Director who directed THE CHEMIST. Camacho is also a real KUNG-FU MASTER >>>
He is also the Star of Mark of The Cobra and true Master of KUNG-FU... Below are 2 main actresses of the film...
->Click for SLOW HEARTFELT Timeless music<-
>>> CLICK 4 Slow Music Part 2 <<<
>>> CLICK 4 Slow MUSIC Part 3 <<< I'M often changing the website, Arranging
SEND ME suggestions!!!
914-265-4646... (It's a FREE WIFI number from 100% FREE app "TALKATONE" GOOD TO GET from PLAY STORE on your cell as a secondary number...
Want to learn Spanish, Basic English or know someone who wants to learn? I teach Spanish, Basic English, Basic Computers/Internet. I also do Photo Restoration, business cards, signs, posters, etc... and some Graphic Design ...
Copyright © 2018 Hnm Hands Bill from Howard Stern Show - All Rights Reserved...
Copyright © 2018 Hnm Hands Bill from Howard Stern - All Rights Reserved...
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